……So here we are a couple of weeks on from my first blog, I don’t feel quite so much a virgin anymore!
Things are progressing at a rapid rate and to be honest the past couple of weeks have been somewhat challenging, but we are out the other side and swiftly moving forward at 100mph.
Starting a new business is always daunting and if I listened to the majority of voices around me I wouldn’t do it, however I’ve been lucky in my life to work with some amazing and inspiring people who really are of the attitude ‘just do
it’. I’d toyed with the idea of a property, I had a vision of what I needed having rented several rooms, one located in a gym and another in a beauty salon (much to the absolute disgust of one of my lecturer’s, who I’ve not been able to
muster up a suitable pseudonym yet, or rather one that I could possibly display on my blog, might be wise to wait till I’ve finished the course), I need flexibility and more importantly a place to dump all my stuff, Veronica the
skeleton (see piccie) was become a too comfortable feature in the house with both friends and family strangely acknowledging her near on ‘real life’ existence, not to mention the love/hate relationship I was developing with my massage couch as I manhandle it in and out of the ruddy car, up and down the stairs. Anyway, sometimes you can
look too hard and find absolutely nothing and this is how it was starting to feel. Until one Tuesday morning after a lovely coffee and catch up with my ever loyal friend and business mentor ‘blind boy’, there it was waving at me from
across the street. Filled with nerves and excitement I logged on to my computer as soon as I got home to find out the necessary details and the damage it was going to do to my bank account………..
………here I am now the proud new owner of my first proper business premises, contract signed, deposit paid, paint brushes at the ready, keys handed over next Tuesday. Pictures will of course follow, maybe a few before and afters may be the order of the day!
Off now to finish these ever long and painful hamstring stretches and attempt some interior design with my 4 year olds assistance.
Things are progressing at a rapid rate and to be honest the past couple of weeks have been somewhat challenging, but we are out the other side and swiftly moving forward at 100mph.
Starting a new business is always daunting and if I listened to the majority of voices around me I wouldn’t do it, however I’ve been lucky in my life to work with some amazing and inspiring people who really are of the attitude ‘just do
it’. I’d toyed with the idea of a property, I had a vision of what I needed having rented several rooms, one located in a gym and another in a beauty salon (much to the absolute disgust of one of my lecturer’s, who I’ve not been able to
muster up a suitable pseudonym yet, or rather one that I could possibly display on my blog, might be wise to wait till I’ve finished the course), I need flexibility and more importantly a place to dump all my stuff, Veronica the
skeleton (see piccie) was become a too comfortable feature in the house with both friends and family strangely acknowledging her near on ‘real life’ existence, not to mention the love/hate relationship I was developing with my massage couch as I manhandle it in and out of the ruddy car, up and down the stairs. Anyway, sometimes you can
look too hard and find absolutely nothing and this is how it was starting to feel. Until one Tuesday morning after a lovely coffee and catch up with my ever loyal friend and business mentor ‘blind boy’, there it was waving at me from
across the street. Filled with nerves and excitement I logged on to my computer as soon as I got home to find out the necessary details and the damage it was going to do to my bank account………..
………here I am now the proud new owner of my first proper business premises, contract signed, deposit paid, paint brushes at the ready, keys handed over next Tuesday. Pictures will of course follow, maybe a few before and afters may be the order of the day!
Off now to finish these ever long and painful hamstring stretches and attempt some interior design with my 4 year olds assistance.